Hello friend,
I hope this little letter is finding you in a place of growth and joy. It has been a wild year and I'm finding it hard to believe that the year 2014 is already upon us! 2013, for me, has been a year of great growth. I have experienced God's provision in such sweet and tangible ways. I am constantly in awe of the way His provision exceeds the basic necessities of life; He cares so much that He gives me life and even blesses me with the desires of my heart. What a gift that is.
This past August I had the great pleasure of moving into a cute little house here in Orlando with three of the loveliest ladies. Living with these three has been such a fun adventure and has filled my heart with much joy. This fall I began my final year studying Digital Media and Web Design at UCF. It blows my mind that I'm graduating in May. My time here at UCF has been the greatest experience of my life. My heart is so full thinking about this whole journey. The ups, the downs, the friendships and lessons learned: it was all part of a wonderful plan that I am so grateful to have experienced.
All of my life, my heart has yearned for adventure. Exploring and discovering, I can constantly feel the anticipation in my bones. Being in a situation where traveling and spontaneity can often be very challenging and quite complicated, I have felt a great share of frustration. Because traveling isn't convenient when you come with a 400lb electric wheelchair, assistive breathing equipment, and a plethora of other necessary gadgets, I began to believe that seeing new skies was no longer in my cards (a very hard pill to swallow). This summer, however, the Lord began to change my perspective.
"Shake off your dust;
rise up, sit enthroned, Jerusalem.
Free yourself from the chains on your neck,"
- Isaiah 52:2
God put an idea on my heart: in the spring of the new year, I would fly in a plane and go on a grand adventure. A very exciting prospect, but also quite scary. I have not flown in a plane in over 10 years. Air travel is not well-designed for the physically disabled; it is a very cumbersome and challenging process. Out of a fear of discomfort and the unknown, as well as a lack of resources, I have not pursued my many major adventure dreams. Until now.
By God's grace and provision, I will embark to San Diego, California on February 26th to attend the Storyline conference.
Storyline is a conference that was started last year by Donald Miller. (If you don't know who Donald Miller is, you should read "Blue Like Jazz," his first big hit in the writing arena. It challenged me and gave me new perspective on what it looks like to follow Jesus. Anytime I see a copy in a thrift store, I buy it to give to someone. It's one of those.) The purpose of the conference is to equip each attendee in
creating life plans that give them personal vision and clarity. As the name implies, Storyline is all about stories. The focus is meaning, connection, and authenticity, rather than production. Our lives are living stories and every day we have an opportunity to make those stories great. Another wonderful man, Bob Goff, will be speaking as well (If you don't know who Bob Goff is, you need to read "Love Does." Another favorite book that has helped open my eyes to see the joy that is available to us in every moment).
With the Lord's provision, I will have the great pleasure of making this journey alongside three of my dear friends and a talented filmmaker. Our hope is that this adventure will be more than an awesome experience of self-growth. We want to make a film that will encourage and inspire others. We want to tell a story of hope and adventure and joy that isn't dependent on agreeable circumstances. Yes, this trip is about embracing life and living fully, but more than that, it is an opportunity to open eyes. It is an opportunity to allow others to see the beautiful gift that life is and that it’s worth living fully.
I am super stoked but also very aware of how challenging the journey is going to be, both logistically and financially. Because I always need someone with me to assist me, every expense is double what it would be for the average traveler. Once in San Diego, I will have to rent equipment that is too large to travel with, as well as an accessible van. The total cost of the trip for myself, someone to assist me, and air travel expenses for a filmmaker is going to be $3200.
By God's sweet grace, I have air in my lungs and opportunity before me. This life, this day, this breath is such a gift and so full of opportunity. I am grateful to have begun to understand a sliver of the weight of that beautiful reality and I'm ready to explore this wonderful world we are living in.
With great love,
If you feel led to contribute financially, you may do so with the donation button to the right. Please email me with any questions regarding this trip, the payment process, etc. I would love to hear from you!