Hello Elise and affiliates!
You don’t know me, but I am writing this letter because I want to share a story and an idea with you.
My name is Jordan Stroman, I am 22 years old, and I just began my final semester studying Web Design and Digital Media at the University of Central Florida. I love to read and write. I love to drink coffee and spend time with the lovely people I’m blessed to live life with.

This summer, God put an idea on my heart: in the spring of the new year, I would fly in a plane and go on a grand adventure. A very exciting prospect, but also quite scary. I have not flown in a plane in over 10 years. Air travel is not well-designed for the physically disabled; it is a very cumbersome and challenging process. Out of a fear of discomfort and the unknown, as well as a lack of resources, I have not pursued my many major adventure dreams. Until now.
By God's grace and provision, I will leave Orlando and embark to San Diego, California on February 27th to attend the Storyline conference.
Storyline is a conference that was started last year by author Donald Miller. The purpose of the conference is to equip each attendee in creating life plans that give them personal vision and clarity. As the name implies, Storyline is all about stories. The focus is meaning, connection, and authenticity, rather than production. Our lives are living stories and every day we have an opportunity to make those stories great. Another wonderful man, Bob Goff, will be speaking as well.
I am super stoked but also very aware of how challenging the journey is going to be, both logistically and financially. It’s very difficult to be comfortable in anything besides my wheelchair or bed, so I know sitting upright without lateral, head or feet support for six hours is going to be quite difficult. I have heard countless horror stories of wheelchairs being damaged or destroyed by luggage loaders who don’t know how to handle the chairs. I always need someone with me to assist me, every expense is double what it would be for the average traveler. Once in San Diego, I will have to rent equipment that is too large to travel with, as well as an accessible van.

Through this trip I hope to start something that can encourage those who have believed that adventure is not in their cards, and to equip them to travel. I’m writing this letter for two reasons: 1) I wanted to see if there is there anything that can be done on your end to make this initial journey somewhat smoother and more comfortable, and 2) more importantly,
I would love to see strides made towards improving the air travel experience for those with immobilizing disabilities. I feel like this is my battle to fight and I would love to work together to put in place a program to do just that.
By God's sweet grace, I have air in my lungs and opportunity before me. This life, this day, this breath is such a gift and so full of opportunity. I am grateful to have begun to understand a sliver of the weight of that beautiful reality. I'm ready to explore this wonderful world we are living in and I hope that we can tell a story that can inspire deep hope.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Jordan Stroman